Wednesday, 1 March 2017

The importance of the 'right' soundtrack

The soundtrack is detrimental to how the film will come across and if a serious scene will make an audience laugh or if a comedic scene will bore the audience. this is a tricky thing to get right and there have been many blunders in film where the soundtrack just hasn't quite matched with the effect that the director was trying for. For example, I found this video on Youtube which someone has edited to make the very serious scene of Darth Vader entering the death star and made it comedic and 'romantic'.

This is a prime example of using the 'right' soundtrack as it can make a scenes effect seem miles away from what it should be.

This will be taken heavily into account on my groups film as we want to set the ominous feeling so we will be searching for the soundtrack with the right effect as to not join the ranks of these blunders. 

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